Starting the Day on a Fresh Note
About time I fall into a good, deep sleep at night the alarm clock is going off!! At 5:30am my day starts! I drag myself out of bed with my eyes so low and puffy, I feel like turning around and going back to sleep but being a mother I have to wake the kids up to help get them ready for school. If you have kids like my kids then you have to deal with the grouchy one that won't budge out of the bed, then I have one that is winning how tired he is. The other 2 are looking like their zombies! With all 5 of us moving very slowly and sleepy we take turns washing our faces and head downstairs for some of what we call our morning wake up. This is how we start the day on a fresh note! I pour us all a tall glass of Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Pure Orange Juice!
Just the feeling of it sliding so smoothly down our throats always puts the first smile on our faces!! We drink it and talk about how good it is and how it is so satisfying for our taste buds! After our glass of Tropicana OJ were ready to get our butts in gear. I'm ready to cook a nice nutritious breakfast and pack the kids school lunches while their getting dressed for school. While eating breakfast we can never help but to drink a second glass of Tropicana Pure Premium 100% Pure Orange Juice! Next we head out of the door ready for our day feeling so refreshed all because we started the day on a pure and fresh note!
How do you and your family start the day on a pure and fresh note? Please feel free to comment below! Let us know if you love Tropicana's Pure Premium 100% Pure Orange Juice or if you plan to try it out! It's 100% Pure Orange Juice, you will love it!!
About Tropicana:
Tropicana is committed to using the best fruit to give you the great tasting juice you love and the nutrition your body needs. Each 59oz container of Tropicana Pure Premium® has 16 fresh-picked Florida oranges squeezed into it and an 8oz glass gives you 100% vitamin C to help you maintain a healthy immune system.
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I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tropicana blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.