3 weeks ago my 15yr old son's heart specialist said that his heart condition had got worse,and said more then likely he will need a major open heart surgory which more then likely will take place right after his next test and it could be something that had to be done like that day,day after,or week or so, also stating at this point it was something life/death threatning.That next test was yesterdays appt.,we hit the highway for about an hr to be evaluated by another specialist that this Droctor refered him to see for the assesment prior to the surgory.None of us knew really what the outcome of that trip would be but we still kept our heads up and knew my son would be ok regardless what happens.The Specialist my son saw yesterday gave him his assesment and sent us on our way HOME with a 6-9mth follow up!!! Let me tell you how THE DEVIL IS A LIAR & GOD IS GOOD!! My son is in his own bed right now as i type sleeping so peacefully.Tell me this isnt a blessing??We all must keep our faith and belief,no matter what a Dr or anyone says because at the end of the day its in GODS HANDS.
Thanks for all the prayers that went out as well!